Support Planning Team of People’s Committee of Phu Tan Commune Completing Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP) Manual Incorporating Saline Intrusion Resilience

After the training course “Develop an annual Communal Socio-Economic Development Plan Manual Incorporating Saline Intrusion Resilience ” on November 3rd, 2021 in Phu Tan commune, Tan Phu Dong district and on November 8th, 2021 in Kieng Phuoc commune, Go Cong Dong district, Tien Giang province; the commune’s viallges have held discussions with the community to provide information on the impacts of saline intrusion on the village’s socio-economic, and propose solutions to have better saline intrusion resilience in the near future

      Receiving information from the viallage, on November 10th, 2021, the consultant of the CECAD supported the Planning Team of Phu Tan Commune People’s Committee and Kieng Phuoc Commune People’s Committee to finalize the 2022 Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP) Manual Incorporating Saline Intrusion Resilience. Some of the changes of the plan are:

i) For the evaluation of the implementation of the current year plan:

  • Supplementing assessment of the impacts of drought and saline intrusion on the socio-economic of the commune
  • Supplementing assessment of the impact of drought and saline intrusion on vulnerable groups
  • Supplementing adaptive activities for drought and saline intrusion that have been implemented, achieved results and orientation to have better resilience in the plan year.

ii) For proposed activities to implement the plan:

  • Supplementing solutions to adapt to drought and saline intrusion in agricultural, forestry and fishery production.
  • Supplementing solutions to adapt to drought and salinity in terms of clean water and environmental sanitation.
  • Summarizing the proposed activities from the viallge and activities that have or are expected to have resources for implementation and a table of activities that do not have the resources to implement.

      The above supplemention followed Circular No. 05/2016/TT-BKHĐT of the Ministry of Planning and Investment dated June 6th, 2016 provides guidance on principles and contents of the integration of natural disaster preparedness into socio-economic development plans and industry distribution and development plans of the whole nation, ministries, and central-affiliated cities and provinces. Beside, regulations in Ordinance No. 34/2007/PL-UBTVQH11 dated April 20th, 2007 were also strictly applied.

      The Planning Team of People’s Committee of Phu Tan Commune provided management agencies with sufficient information, especially the ones on the socio-economic impacts of drought and saline intrusion. Furthemore, the plan proposed solutions to adapt to drought and saline intrusion with the effective participation of the community, which is the basis for active implementation when the commune receives additional buget.

      Hopefully, the method of developing a socio-economic development plan incorporating saline intrusion resilience in Phu Tan commune will be applied widely in other communes in the Mekong Delta, in order minimizing the negative effects of these extreme conditions.

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