
Workshop on the saline intrusion situation and current solutions in Tien Giang province

On April 7, 2021, the workshop on the saline intrusion situation and current solutions was held at the Cuu Long Hotel, My Tho city, Tien Giang province. The objective of the workshop was to present the situation of saline intrusion and drought and solutions in Tien Giang province through case studies in Go Cong Dong […]

Workshop on the saline intrusion situation and current solutions in Tien Giang province Read More »

Training on writing grant poposals on adaption to drought and saline intrusion for the Youth in Tien Giang province

This is one component of the activity to organize a Youth-led Competition on Promoting Indigenous Knowledge for Better Resilience to Saline Intrusion in the Mekong River Delta. The achievements of the activity as follows: Collaborated with the Youth Union of Tien Giang province to design the guideline on writing concept notes and full proposals on

Training on writing grant poposals on adaption to drought and saline intrusion for the Youth in Tien Giang province Read More »

Agreement Signing Ceremony on “Strengthening Communication Capacity for Better Climate Resilience in the Mekong River Delta” (CCBCR)

In the afternoon on Thursday 2 July 2020, the Agreement Signing Ceremony of the project “Strengthening Communication Capacity for Better Climate Resilience in the Mekong River Delta” was held at Cuu Long Hotel, My Tho city, Tien Giang province with the aim to start the project. The project is funded by the Embassy of Finland in Hanoi, through the

Agreement Signing Ceremony on “Strengthening Communication Capacity for Better Climate Resilience in the Mekong River Delta” (CCBCR) Read More »